Monday, October 22, 2007

No mom...

Ellery's been feeling a bit under the weather lately. We've been googling all sorts of fevers with rash and cold. Let me just say, the Internet is a very scary place! Turns out, its just mild hives. So, since she's not 100%, we've kind of excused the whole not eating thing. Breakfast, just snacked. Milk, little sips. Lunch, not at all. Dinner, barely. Dessert, a little more interested. (Nanna sent a little care package with Halloween cookies. I used them as incentive for the girls to finish their dinner.) I was trying to get her to at least eat the cookie, so I asked for a bite, then teased her about having to steal one. She tried to hand off the piece that she'd eaten most of and not wanted to purposely get myself sick, I passed on her thoughtful sharing. Later, I asked her, "Ellery....are you going to finish your cookie?" "No, mom," she says, "you can have it." As I'm cleaning up the dinner dishes, I spy her milk sippy cup in the living room. "Ellery," I ask, "are you going to finish your milk?" And she replies again, "no, mom, you can finish it." (If you could hear the tone in her voice it would help make this a bit funnier.)  What have I become?  A garbage disposal for all the kids leftovers? :)

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