Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ellery and the potty (caution, contains potty talk, read at your own risk)

Ok, so now we leave her naked for a bit when she gets out of the shower or bath. When she's naked, she'll go pee-pee (such an adult word) on the potty (there's another one), but not when she's wearing a diaper. So, while attempting to potty train, naked happens around here a lot. Apparently this was one of those nights and she used her little potty a couple of times, under Joe's "supervision" as I was upstairs working. Well, I ran down to put something in our closet and walked in the bathroom and just about got knocked over with the aroma wafting out of the bathroom. I'm thinking whoa, the toilet must have exploded...but no, there's a giant poop in her little potty which sits right in the middle of our bathroom. The funny thing...she didn't even tell us! Even more funny, Molly (keeper & teller of all things bathroom) didn't tell us!

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