Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Just the way you are

My sweet, sweet girl Molly. Love her. This morning was the first morning for our crazy-get-out-of-the-house-by-7:45-or-be-late morning after vacation. I'm in the bathroom, trying to pull myself together and look somewhat presentable before I get the kids up. Molly pulls herself out of the cocoon of our warm bed (yes, you read that correctly...no matter what we do, ther are two children in our bed by morning...on Joe's side) and walks into the bathroom with her eyes still full of sleep. She quietly watches me try on headband after headband (me, hoping that somehow the way my hair looks will distract from the no makeup and bags under my eyes) and says, "Mommy, you are beautiful just the way you are." Did I say how much I love her? With that, I decided to take a cue from my 5 year old, tossed in a bobbypin and the morning began...

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Hi Kelly! Love all your updates, keep them coming. I'm becoming a blog junkie, both posting and reading (in my non-existent free time!). Hope you're all feeling better.