Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Ellery's descriptions of things

Ellery has the most wonderfully perfect descriptions for things. Like when she's trying to explain to us about how the bottom of her foot "itches" after she been sitting on it. You know, how your foot falls asleep? She calls it "sparkles." Mama, my foot is sparkly. Perfect! Also, the adrenaline rush feeling is the wiggles (see earlier post.) Well, her latest....she had a little tummy ache the other day. We weren't really sure what kind, so we start asking questions...do you feel like you want to throw up? Did you bonk it? Do you need to poop? You know...the usual questions! =) She says, "Mommy, I think my cream cheese and crackers turned over in my tummy." Isn't that exactly what it feels like?

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