Sunday, September 30, 2007

Halo 3

Joe's X-Box buddy (Phil-dog) arrived from Bellingham last night to play Halo 3 for the weekend. I'm not a fan of video games (still haven't tried the Wii) but its nice to hear the sounds of Phil and Joe discussing how to save the world. It reminds me of home...our last home, that is. Thanks Nickie, for sending him down for the weekend. I hope you get some needed "you" time! =)


Nickie said...

Thanks for having my hubby! I only wish that I could have come too!!! Maybe next time.

Phil says that your place is GORGEOUS and that Bartlesville was much nicer and greener than he expected.

Miss you tons!

Unknown said...

If you come for christmas, joe can play halo wih nathan and you can play the wii with me. We have both.