Sunday, September 30, 2007
Grady's 2 months old
And he's quite the conversationalist...well, today anyway. We had a lovely conversation this afternoon. This is the first time he's babbled and cooed for any length of time. It's amazing to see him changing on a daily basis...and knowing that soon he'll be walking and talking. My little man.
Our lives have changed so much in the past few months and things have been so hectic. It was nice this afternoon to just spend a little time in the moment, laying next to him on the floor chatting away!

Halo 3
Joe's X-Box buddy (Phil-dog) arrived from Bellingham last night to play Halo 3 for the weekend. I'm not a fan of video games (still haven't tried the Wii) but its nice to hear the sounds of Phil and Joe discussing how to save the world.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
A good nights sleep
For Grady, anyway. For all of you keeping track (ok, so just me) he slept almost 8 hours straight last night.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Monarch Butterflies

Anyway...I quickly hollered at the girls and we ran outside to see them. (Grady was actually sleeping!) We spotted probably close to 100 in just the 20 minutes we were out there. They were flying everywhere. Not quite like the coming of the locusts, but every direction you looked you could see them. The girls thought it was so much fun. They kept yelling, "Look Mommy, there's one..." over and over and over. Its actually a pretty amazing feat. These little guys are so programmed, that they fly South in the Fall, then their great, great grand-butterflies fly North in the Spring. They can even find the exact same spot where their ancestors were hatched.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
On Monday I called the pediatrician and persuaded them to see Grady today. Life here has been getting steadily worse with this child. Is it reflux, is it a cow's milk allergy, is the hyper lactation, is it colic, is it just the way things are going to be???? What is going on here!!! This child spits up more than anything I have ever seen. Luckily our first few days here I bought another 12 pack of thick burp cloths because I cannot keep up with the laundry he creates. I go through 2 burp clothes and 2 washcloths per feeding. In addition to my change of clothes and his...let's just say that my washer and drying are in constant use.
One blessing is that Bartlesville is a small town. I can get pretty much anywhere from my house in less than 10 minutes. That 10 minutes seems like eternity when you have a screaming kid in the car. Did I mention that he cries a lot? Well, if he's in his car seat, he's crying. The other day when I picked the girls up, I looked back and both of them had their hands over their ears begging me to make him stop. All I could do was laugh...and step on the gas pedal.
Anyway, the doc set us up with a prescription of Prevacid and we dropped it off at Walgreen's. (The pharmacy at the hospital was out of stock.) Well, when I went to pick it up...Walgreen's was out too. I frantically looked up every pharmacy in Bartlesville (which took about 2 seconds) to make sure they had the meds in stock and ended up at Wal-Mart (again). I was not going to wait another second to get anything that might help him feel better.
Here we are a few days later and wow...life is getting MUCH better. Grady actually fell asleep in his car seat at the grocery store yesterday. I was in shock. The last few car rides have actually been peacefully quite. And he sat in his swing for 1/2 hour while I entertained him folding laundry the other day. These are things that babies do on a regular basis, so normally I wouldn't be so excited about them. But now, I can actually put him down for a second or two during the day. Thank you Lord for creating scientist and physicians and medicine that has helped my baby boy!!!
One blessing is that Bartlesville is a small town. I can get pretty much anywhere from my house in less than 10 minutes. That 10 minutes seems like eternity when you have a screaming kid in the car. Did I mention that he cries a lot? Well, if he's in his car seat, he's crying. The other day when I picked the girls up, I looked back and both of them had their hands over their ears begging me to make him stop. All I could do was laugh...and step on the gas pedal.
Anyway, the doc set us up with a prescription of Prevacid and we dropped it off at Walgreen's. (The pharmacy at the hospital was out of stock.) Well, when I went to pick it up...Walgreen's was out too. I frantically looked up every pharmacy in Bartlesville (which took about 2 seconds) to make sure they had the meds in stock and ended up at Wal-Mart (again). I was not going to wait another second to get anything that might help him feel better.
Here we are a few days later and wow...life is getting MUCH better. Grady actually fell asleep in his car seat at the grocery store yesterday. I was in shock. The last few car rides have actually been peacefully quite. And he sat in his swing for 1/2 hour while I entertained him folding laundry the other day. These are things that babies do on a regular basis, so normally I wouldn't be so excited about them. But now, I can actually put him down for a second or two during the day. Thank you Lord for creating scientist and physicians and medicine that has helped my baby boy!!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
One room is done...
Monday, September 24, 2007
Big Sister Molly
Sunday, September 23, 2007
What a cutie pie!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Bye, bye to Nanny
My mom has been here for the last week helping us out. It was wonderful. I'm at the point with the unpacking, that I'm not even noticing all the boxes and bins that need to be taken care of. I was just thinking about using them as furniture. Why unpack it all? Do we really need all this stuff? I've got the essentials out, right? Plus, the movers are just going to have to pack them again next time we move. I'll just save them some time. (Sadly, we did have two boxes that were still packed from our move down from Alaska. They just added a new sticker to the box and loaded it on the truck.) Anyway...she also helped out tremendously with the kids. Although I think she was starting to get the feeling the Grady didn't like her because he kept crying. Mom...he just does that...a lot lately.
Secretly, I think she had fun helping to put things away and organize my house. You know...how its fun to go to other people's homes and clean and organize for them. What? What do you mean? That's not fun for you? (Yes, I know I have a sickness!)
Mom, thank you so much for all your help this last week! We already miss you!! The girls are talking about when we get to go to Nanny's house. And they want to drive there. Apparently they don't remember the 48 hours of "oops" that we spent driving the RV here. Hmmm...I do. Too well. Find a happy place...find a happy place...happy place...happy place...happy...
Secretly, I think she had fun helping to put things away and organize my house. You know...how its fun to go to other people's homes and clean and organize for them. What? What do you mean? That's not fun for you? (Yes, I know I have a sickness!)
Mom, thank you so much for all your help this last week! We already miss you!! The girls are talking about when we get to go to Nanny's house. And they want to drive there. Apparently they don't remember the 48 hours of "oops" that we spent driving the RV here. Hmmm...I do. Too well. Find a happy place...find a happy place...happy place...happy place...happy...
Grady 6, Mom 5 (hours, that is)
I had 5 hours of consecutive sleep last night. For all you moms out there reading this (and I know there are just thousands! =) you know what a gift sleep is. Sleep deprivation is something that you cannot prepare for with having children...wait a second...is there much of anything that you can prepare for with kids??? My mom tells me she can't remember being sleep deprived with us....maybe the memory lapse is due to the lack of sleep, Mom!?!? I don't know how you can forget this! Anyway...I'm sure last night was a fluke, but it was wonderful.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I am so tired
So, I'm beyond exhausted. This is my third baby. You'd think I'd be use to this by now, right? Nope. I thought I was doing pretty good, until I realized that I was having a hard time recalling simple words, completing sentences and, oh, basic thoughts??? Oh my, Kelly needs a long nap. So I took one today. First time since we got here. I slept for 4 hours with only 1 interruption. Joe had the girls, mom had the baby. It was heaven.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Sam's Club
Let's just say they give Costco a run for its money! Loved it! Wish it wasn't an hour away...but I will go back monthly. I spent $450 (sorry Joe) and didn't even get to the freezer/refrig section. (Ok, so $100 was diapers and wipes for the 2 1/2 bums I have to diaper and wipe...the kids, not mine!) Next time I have to pack a cooler or two to get all the food back.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Today was the first day of MOPS. I'm so glad there is a group here. Its at the church where the girls do Preschool/KDO, and where we'll start (and hopefully) finish our church hunt. I'm really looking forward to meeting some other moms here in B'ville.
In other news...Nanny (grandma) is coming tomorrow. I don't know if the kids are more excited or I am!?!?!
In other news...Nanny (grandma) is coming tomorrow. I don't know if the kids are more excited or I am!?!?!
My Birthday Weekend
And it was...Joe slaved away on the house at my every request. He built a desktop for my office/craft room...so I'm getting settled there, unpacked a bunch of boxes, took the girls a few times, got up early with them, I even woke up this morning to the smell of bacon and eggs! WOW!!! Molly even got her cake...I mean my cake. I even treated myself to a glass of wine. Joe found the wine and the wine glasses, so why not use them???
Friday, September 7, 2007
Happy Birthday to me...
Today I turned....thirty-something. Yay...for the princess on her Birthday, right? Right! So, no sleep, whiny kids, lots of diapers, cleaning, unpacking, you see where this is going. First thing this morning, though, the girls jumped in bed with a sweet card for me. (I had forgotten it was my Birthday today.) Joe has to work late again, so we'll be celebrating later this weekend. My sweet, sweet daughter Molly has been insisted all day that Mommy get a cake for her Birthday. Apparantly you just can't have a Birthday without cake....I agree!
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