Monday, December 15, 2008

New carpet???

So I'm tidying up a bit today, mostly in my office. It seems that with my sisters wedding invitations, guestbook and thank you cards, our massive trip, and the holidays, I've been a bit neglectful of my office. This is supposed to be a creative space for me (oh, and a place where I can do some accounting occasionally...hence office), but lately its been, well...a place for all things without a home. Paperwork, toys that need glued/taped, magazines, scrap paper, kids drawings from school, the umpteenth project I've get the idea. Anyway, today I lifted pretty much everything off the floor and put it on every inch of available desk surface (except for that one box I've been meaning to get to since we moved...yes, its still in the original spot the movers put it in the day we got here, yes I know we've been here almost 16 months...) So, since I can now see the floor, I decided to vacuum. Nothing is going back down on the floor. I must take care of it all and put it where it belongs. It might take a month to clear off my desk, but I will do it.

My point...well, after I had vacuumed, Ellery walked in and said, "Mom...where did you get all this carpet?"

Note to self: keep floor clear...less to trip on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha ha! I know what you're talking about, Kelly! I had the carpet cleaners (Indianapolis-based) come over last month because my husband was coming home after a three-month-long business trip and I set up a party for him. As soon as my hubby stepped in our house, he said, "Honey, did we get new floors?" Oh, you should have seen the look on his face! It's amazing what carpet cleaning (Indianapolis, Indiana style) can do.