Thursday, April 30, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

Caught with her hand in the cookie jar

I've never really used this phase before, but really happened. I made cookies for Joe last night. Those of you who know me, know that I don't bake. I don't even pretend to bake. I don't enjoy it. I don't have the patience for it. And...I always screw it up. Except for cookies. Chocolate chip ones, to be exact. That's it. Oh...well, occasionally, I change it up a bit and add butterscotch chips or white chocolate chip, or heck...get wild and crazy and do all three, but that's it. (And they are pretty darn yummy!!!) But, I digress. So last night Joe begged for cookies and I made them. Actually, he begged for them the night before about 5 minutes before I was going to bed. Last night he got his cookies. Today...he might notice that there aren't a whole lot left, and it wasn't me!! While Ellery was eating lunch, I came upstairs to write a quick email (mistake #1). I had doled out the usual lunch and since she was almost done, I thought I'd give her a cookie for dessert as long as she finished her lunch. The cookie was placed on the counter next to her bowl of fruit (mistake #2). I ran upstairs a few minutes (mistake #3). When I came back down, all I could see over the counter was a quick movement of a hand, pulling away from the stove, coincidentally where I had put the cookies on plate wrapped with plastic wrap (mistake #4). I walked into the kitchen to find her running around the island to hide....cookie in hand. That child is getting much faster. I chased her around the island a few times (slower than normal because I'm a bit sore from boot camp...which is a whole other post) and sadly could only grab her by the hair (no one was harmed, I promise...she thought it was funny that mommy couldn't catch her!) Anyway...she fessed up to eating the cookie I had given her (note: BEFORE she finished her lunch) and taking more. How many more??? I have no idea. All I know is that plate is much emptier now that is was last night. Now Joe could have eaten some for breakfast, but I'm betting Ellery took more than 1 cookie!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

What comes after a million???

Joe and the girls were in the car the other day and they were talking about numbers and sequencing, like hundred, thousand, million, billion, etc. Well, Joe asks Molly, "what comes after a million?" She looks at him with this funny look on her face and says, "a million and one!"