Friday, April 17, 2009

Caught with her hand in the cookie jar

I've never really used this phase before, but really happened. I made cookies for Joe last night. Those of you who know me, know that I don't bake. I don't even pretend to bake. I don't enjoy it. I don't have the patience for it. And...I always screw it up. Except for cookies. Chocolate chip ones, to be exact. That's it. Oh...well, occasionally, I change it up a bit and add butterscotch chips or white chocolate chip, or heck...get wild and crazy and do all three, but that's it. (And they are pretty darn yummy!!!) But, I digress. So last night Joe begged for cookies and I made them. Actually, he begged for them the night before about 5 minutes before I was going to bed. Last night he got his cookies. Today...he might notice that there aren't a whole lot left, and it wasn't me!! While Ellery was eating lunch, I came upstairs to write a quick email (mistake #1). I had doled out the usual lunch and since she was almost done, I thought I'd give her a cookie for dessert as long as she finished her lunch. The cookie was placed on the counter next to her bowl of fruit (mistake #2). I ran upstairs a few minutes (mistake #3). When I came back down, all I could see over the counter was a quick movement of a hand, pulling away from the stove, coincidentally where I had put the cookies on plate wrapped with plastic wrap (mistake #4). I walked into the kitchen to find her running around the island to hide....cookie in hand. That child is getting much faster. I chased her around the island a few times (slower than normal because I'm a bit sore from boot camp...which is a whole other post) and sadly could only grab her by the hair (no one was harmed, I promise...she thought it was funny that mommy couldn't catch her!) Anyway...she fessed up to eating the cookie I had given her (note: BEFORE she finished her lunch) and taking more. How many more??? I have no idea. All I know is that plate is much emptier now that is was last night. Now Joe could have eaten some for breakfast, but I'm betting Ellery took more than 1 cookie!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Ha ha! That's great! The extra sugar will make her just that much sweeter! :) She's such a cute girl! Thanks for letting us scrap Friday! I came home and stayed up until 2:45 am finishing another page...note I said page. I gotta get quicker at this stuff! :)