Thursday, October 22, 2009

M's first report card

Now that she's in first grade, I guess we get report cards sent home with them. (The school figures she's still too young to figure out the whole checking-the-mailbox-before-mom-and-dad-do thing.) Before I tell you about her grades, let me back up a month or two.

We get all her work sent home, so I see the grades she's getting on a daily basis. When I say all, her work, I mean ALL her work! They first month I saved it a my my husbands request. When I realized that this was only ONE months worth of work...I selectively edited what I'm keeping (sorry babe). These papers kept coming home, mostly with the grades of S+ with some number grades, but those were always 97-100%. I kept seeing S+ after S+ and being the overprotective mom that I am, I was started to get a tad bit defensive. I mean, whoa, she's only 6, how perfect do you expect her handwriting to be anyway? See, where I come from, the grades are E = Excellent, S = Satisfactory, then you get the S+ and S- if applicable, and there must have been something else (N = Needs Improvement) but being the stellar student I was, I never got one of those (right mom??? =)

Well, like I said, we received her report card in the mail and all I saw was S+ ALL THE WAY DOWN THE LIST!!! Hunh??? Not one single excellent? Seriously??? We must have a talk here! Then I happened to glance at the top to see that the S+'s that were everywhere...well...they were the highest grade she could get. Oops! :) Here in OK, they grade by S+, S, and S-. So...silly me. No need to approach the school and start arguing her case.

We congratulated her, loved on her, and took her out to dinner to celebrate. She got to choose the restaurant and dessert. I figure the best way to keep the good grades coming home...make sure she knows what a good job she is doing. Make her proud of herself, and let her know we are proud of her too!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Ha ha! :) That's funny. I give you an S+ for this post...on a scale of S- to S+ of course. :)