Thursday, February 24, 2011


He is 4 months and all I've seen are pictures.  I am so sad about that.  I haven't been able to kiss him, to hold him, to babysit so my sis can get a break.  ( I do field phone calls and emails and respond with all of my wonderful advice! :)

Here he is!


 Sweet boy,  that'll have to do until I finally get to love on you next week!  Can't wait!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

And now Hot

Its 80 degrees outside.  In one week, we've gone from -25 to 80.  I wonder what next week is going to be like...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Can you say C.O.L.D???

Instead of getting up at the crack of dawn (who am I kidding...I was up before 6:30 with Briley) to go workout today, I thought I'd skip the early morning (kidding again...I've been skipping for 3 weeks since Joe's been out of town!) and shovel the driveway.  For all of you not aware of what's going on down here, our weather is Cra-Zee!  Blizzards, feet of snow, cold, cold, cold.  Anyway...right before I put Briley down for her nap, I checked the temps.  -25 degrees.  25 degrees BELOW ZERO.  Negative.  Huh???  Its warmer in Alaska!  I checked again.  Seriously?  That's not with wind chill.  That's the actual temperature outside!!!

I think I'll wait until her afternoon nap.

Friday, February 4, 2011

My sweet boy...

Throwing a bit of a tantrum

And then laughing when I played it for him.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New weatherstripping???

I'm just sayin'

Cuz that's snow.
(The door was closed and locked all night.)