Friday, December 28, 2007
Get in line
I'm in the kitchen pulling out sippy cups for the kids' morning milk. The girls are under my feet like little birdies getting ready for mama to feed them, but instead of the "chirp, chirp, chirp" I hear, "Mama, I want milk mama. Milk please Mama" from Ellery. Molly, who was there first says, "Get in line Ellery."
Sunday, December 23, 2007
No more babies...
...or so Molly tells me today. "Three is enough." Then she looks at Joe and says, "Don't put any more babies in mommy's tummy." less conversation we'll need to have with her! =)
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Why in the world do I do this to myself...every year???
I love to be crafty and make things. Like I really have the time? Wrong. But I enjoy it....well the idea of it...the buying of the supplies...the starting of the project...but halfway through I'm wondering what in the world was I thinking!?!? Mixes for friends and neighbors, little scrapbooks for family, pictures and frames. I'm even knitting Grady's stocking, which is what I should be doing right now if I'm really wanting to have it finished by Tuesday morning. Next year (yes, I say this every year) I'm going to start much earlier, like April. That way, I might...just might...have everything done in time to really enjoy the holidays!
We started solids. Well, watered down rice cereal can hardly be called a "solid" but it's not breast milk. This is a bit earlier than I've done in the past, but I'm hoping for some extra help in the reflux area. I've heard that solids make it a little easier, so we gave it a try. The first try it was pretty runny and since we've been doing the Prevacid through a syringe for a couple of months now, I figured he might get the whole rice cereal thing pretty quickly. Not so much. Most of it ended up on the bib and what actually went down to his tummy, came back up in his spit-up right after I laid him down on the carpet...of course! The second try was a few days later with a much thicker concoction. He ate it all, and quickly! Yesterday, not as good, but he's getting the hang of it. Not really helping him sleep through the night as some people suggest (I've never bought that theory) but he thinks getting fed is really fun and I'm hoping that he'll someday think his highchair is a good place to be.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Ready for school
The girls are having a Christmas party at school today. They got these sweaters in their advent calendar today and Nanna sent the cute headbands. My babies are not babies anymore. I cannot believe how big they are getting.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Grady Baby
I just went into his room to drop off some clean laundry. He's totally awake (up from a short nap) and playing with the toys in his crib. He NEVER does that, so I'm thrilled. A few more moments that mom gets to herself...
Friday, December 14, 2007
Merry Christmas
Oh what a happy family. What adorable children, right? Well, this year I considered putting the pictures on of what really happend. The girls wrestling around....Grady spitting up....Molly who couldn't figure out how to smile....Mommy (in her jammies) trying to make the kids laugh....Grady crying....Mommy baking cookies to bribe the kids to cooperate...Molly crying to put her dress back on...That sounds more like the household I know! Thank you Betsy (my friend and photographer) for your patience and ever so fast finger on the camera!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
This is my life....

I just laid Grady down for his nap, but started the planning on my way up the stairs. I had to laugh when I walked by my office, decided to check my email, and found this cute little cartoon in one of my many emails. So goes the life of a mom. Now I'm off to take a quick shower, fold the load of whites....
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
My little sister is getting hitched!
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